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Anti-Wrinkle Recipe

Recipe 1:Clean the wrinkled area with witch hazel. And apply the Honey Mask (recipe below) to the skin using fingers or a cotton ball. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse.

Recipe 2:Apply Herbal Moisturizer (recipe below) for a radiant glow all day.

I’ve provided the recipes below. I definitely want to hear from you if you try the treatment.

I hope I can save you money on expensive creams and treatments.

Honey Mask

In a bowl, combine:

• 3 Vitamin E Pills

• 1 Half a Lemon

• 1/2 Tsp Honey

• 2 Tsp plain yogurt

• 1 tsp Coconut oil

Mix this well and apply to the face or wrinkled area with cotton or your fingers. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse well and apply moisturizer:


• 1 Tbsp Tea tree oil

• 2 Tbsp Aloe

Apply generously to the skin for a healthy glow.

Other Tips for Healthy Skin

• 1. Drink lots of water – 4 quarts of water a day recommended

• 2. No drinking and smoking

• 3. Maintain a healthy diet – Eat organic pesticide free foods. Stay away from oils, fats and sugars. Eat fruits and vegetables. Pineapple and apple juices as well as avocado are all good skin healthy foods.

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