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Don't Gain weight during the Holidays

You really want to enjoy the Holiday eating the healthy way!!! It can be very difficult when you are managing Diabetes, Cholesterol and hypertension, you can easily throw these ailments off and unnecessarily suffer later trying to stabilize them. Don't make food your enemy, play a little dietary defense. Here are some quick tips for you and me.

1. Stock your fridge with lots of fruits and veggies, that way you are not tempted to just buy holidays treats. if your frige is full of healthy items, you will end up using those at home, more than ginger bread cookies, pies, snacks, egg nog, pumpkin pie and so forth and so on.

2. Use a food strategy. You don't have to eat everything that your friends bring to you during the holiday season. Instead of eating them in a few days, you can eat them over a long period of time if you free them. pack them into small portions and do others enough to share with your family and friends during the next months.

3. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast if you tend to over eat the day of the holiday feast. Eat a satisfying meal filled with good fiber such as quinoa, brown rice, oatmeal, veggies, fruits, make lunch light and don't show up for the dinner party starving.

4. drink water, lots of it, sometimes we mistaken this for hunger, before the party make sure you drink at least 16oz of water. this will keep you hydrated and you will eat less.

5 watch the appetizers, skip the fried ones and go for the fruits and veggies, do the hummus and avoid the chips and sweeten popcorn, shrimp, cheese and excessive amounts of nuts. Try to have two or three items only, make room for dinner.

6. Dinner time, choose two or three items for your meal no more, the tendency is to taste a little bit of everything, this is unhealthy and leads to indigestion.

7. Make your veggies the main dish, they should be eaten first at your meal, that way you leave less room for the unhealthy and high calorie foods.

8. Substitute the high fat, high salt, high sugar items for less. For example use yogurt instead of sour cream, blend cauliflower into your mashed potatoes, no one will notice, have stuffing or a roll and butter but not both.

9. Continue to walk or do your exercise routine throughout the holiday season. if you don't exercise, then at least walk on the daily for 20 minutes right after dinner or early in the morning before work.

10. Savor the flavors of the season without over indulging.

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