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October is Pumpkin Month

To carve or not to carve that is the question!? October is definitely pumpkin moth, throughout the whole month of October they are available, there is even a National Pumpkin Day which is celebrated the 26th of the month.

There are 45 varieties of pumpkins, they range in different colors from the most common orange to yellow, green, red and have unique names such as the Cinderella pumpkin, Cotton candy, Hooligan, Orange Smoothie, Sugar pumpkin, Big Max, Giant pumpkin and many more. They are consider fruits and are in the family of melons and cucumbers.

Every single part of the pumpkin is edible, the skin, leaves, pulp, seeds, flowers and stems, they are 92% water are naturally low in energy density, excellent source of potassium, beta carotene, vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant that gives the fruit the orange color. These vitamins and minerals protect and strengthen the immune system, specially now that is the cold and flu season, therefore get eating your pumpkins, don't just carve them for Jack-O-Lanterns. All pumpkins are edible!!

Enjoy the month of October by eating your pumpkins, here is an Immune Building recipe, quick and simple:

Inflammation Pumpkin Calming Smoothie

1cup pumpkin puree or fresh cubes

1Bosc pear

1small piece of ginger (that you can tolerate)

1/4 tsp of Ceylon cinnamon

1Cup of water or non dairy milk of your choice.

Blend and enjoy!!

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